Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Robot Research and Design

The students in fifth grade now have three different designs under their belt. Their fourth, is going to be their most challenging yet. This time, they must design a Robot!

The focus for students is still on organizing labels and details. The students must design a robot that
can move on its own, make someone's life easier, and recharge its energy somehow. Not only must the students design a robot that can do those things, but the students must also begin to research the robots themselves.

Students will need to learn a little bit about different real-life robots, before they can design their own. They might need to research how robots move, or what their power sources are. This information that the students research will help in their design.

It will be interesting to see what the students come up with! Already, there have been some great designs this week. Stay tuned to the blog and twitter (@MrHron) for updates and pictures of the student work.

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