Monday, October 10, 2016

Introducing the Fridley Space Program

Here at Fridley Middle School, we have a space program. Yes, that is correct. The Fridley Space Program was founded two years ago. Last year a student in 7th grade provided the Fridley Space Program with an excellent logo, which the students voted on. In the Fridley Space Program, students research, learn, and create flying vehicles, in an effort to add to the body of knowledge that humanity has accumulated about flight, and space.

This year, we are about to embark on our very first mission. The students have been researching and designing kites. This week, the students will be split into mission groups, and begin to create their very first vehicle for the Fridley Space Program – the kite. It’s an exciting time of the year, and it will be interesting to see how the students react to the challenges that they face. Stay tuned at our twitter (@MrHron) and website (

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