Thursday, October 6, 2016

"Old" Technology Research

The seventh grade Design and Modeling students are beginning to start their very first design project! The students are researching an "old" technology, and determining how it has changed, and how it still affects society today. They will be designing a presentation from the research and knowledge they gain.

"Old" is a relative term. For this project, old means over 50 years ago. So any technology or
invention that was created for the first time before 1966, is fair game for students to choose from. Many students have chosen technologies that were invented in the 1950s and 60s, but a few students are going back, way back. Some students are challenging themselves by researching the very first mechanical watches, or even the very first pool! It will be interesting to see what the students come up with in their research.

Stay tuned for updates on twitter (@MrHron), and this website!

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