Monday, November 28, 2016

More Design Cycle

The fifth grade students are about to begin their next design. For the first time, this design is going to incorporate all aspects of the design cycle into one project. With the treehouse project, each aspect of design was taught and completed individually. That will change, and class will become a little bit more challenging for the fifth grade students.
Complete Treehouse Designs

The next project is going to give the students an opportunity to create a Google Slides presentation about a topic they are interested in. The students will have to determine what research they want to do, what information to include in their presentation, and what style ideas they like for their presentation. It will be the first time the students use all parts of the design cycle together, so it will be interesting to see how it turns out!

Be sure to check out our twitter (@MrHron) and our classroom website ( for more updates!

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