Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Environmental Impact

The seventh grade students are about to begin their second design project of the year! The students will be choosing a current technology. Then, using their research skills, the students will need to determine how this technology will impact the environment in the future. The students will have to predict the future!

Our class 3d printer, one of the technologies chosen for research.
Once the students have come to an understanding of how this technology will impact the future, they will need to create some sort of presentation to share their knowledge. This can be a Google Slides presentation, it can be a website, a poster, a flyer, an essay, or something else the student may want to do. However, the students will need to communicate their information in a clear, yet immersive way.

Be sure to stay tuned in with twitter (@MrHron) and our classroom website ( for more updates!

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