Friday, October 2, 2015

Guess What This Is (Microscope Pictures from 7th Grade Science)

Slide A
In 7th grade science we have been working hard on our microscope skills. Last week, we had our very first microscope exploration day. Students were able to bring in small objects from home that they wished to view under a microscope. Then in class the students prepared their slides, and began to work on their science sketching skills while]viewing the different slides of objects brought from home.

There were some very interesting images last week! I didn't realize this, but it is fairly easy to take pictures through the lens of a microscope with a smartphone camera. This is great news, because now I get to share some of the more interesting slides with all of you! Included in this post are three slides I was able to take pictures of (my picture quality will improve as I do more of these). Feel free to guess what each of these objects are (and if you follow my twitter, don't spoil it for others)! The answers will be listed below.
Slide B

Slide C

AnswersSlide A: Highlighter Ink (yellow)
Slide B: A stamp (postage, American flag)
Slide C: Some hair a student found on the ground

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