Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Flight and Space 10/13

Hello Families!

Currently in flight and space, the students are beginning their very first construction project of an aerospace vehicle. We discussed in class what an aerospace vehicle is (a vehicle that can fly in both air or space), and the first vehicle we are creating is a kite! Now this isn’t just any ordinary kite, this is a structurally sound kite that will fly very well, and survive high speed impacts, if created correctly.

There are two big learning focuses for this project. The first focus is learning to work in a group. This is a life-long skill that is very important, as students will be collaborating with their peers in middle school, high school, college, and the workforce. The second learning skill is problem solving. The students are being challenged to become self-sufficient learners! If the students run into a problem, I am challenging them to use their resources and find an answer themselves. The biggest reminder I give them—it is encouraged that they make mistakes!

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