Friday, October 23, 2015

So It Begins...

Game Club is beginning! We had our first club meeting on Thursday. The students were able to play a few card games, with KEMPS being the main card game they played. Game Club will be running on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school here at Fridley Middle School.

The goal of Game Club is to create a safe place for students to play games, make friends, improve social skills, and challenge their minds. Games are a great way to accomplish these goals, as they allow students to, explore different themes, and break the ice with friendly peers who may eventually become friends.

There are many different types of games we play in game club. We mostly play strategy board games-titles like Catan, Ticket to Ride, Galaxy Trucker, and Sushi-Go! We also play traditional card games, trading card games, family games, role-playing games, dice games, and story-telling games. Currently, the games we play are from my personal collection, though we have had a few games donated by families, and a few donated by the school.

The most exciting part of Game Club this year, is our ability to expand the program. Already over 20 students have joined. This means that a small number of student leaders, who have experienced Game Club for more than 1 year, are going to become Game Ambassadors. These students will be able to help teach games, resolve conflicts, and help pick future games coming to Game Club.

We're also going to be running a monthly family night! Once per month, we will pick a night where family and friends are welcome to come in and join the fun at Game Club! Stay tuned for more information about Game Club, and when family night is going to happen!

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