Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Design and Modeling 10/7

Hello Families!

Currently, in Design and Modeling the students are working hard on a very important question. How have technologies from the past affected society? History is littered with technologies that have caused paradigm shifts in the way humans have lived their lives. From the printing press, to the X-ray, to the water purifier, students are discovering what these technologies are, and how they impacted the people of this world. There is a lot of learning getting done!

Eventually, students will be taking this knowledge and applying it to a newer technology. This is an important aspect to how we live our lives today. New technologies are invented frequently, and sometimes these technologies change our lives in very important ways. Google was created less than 20 years ago, and Facebook was created only 11 years ago. Yet in less than a decade in both cases, these technologies have become an integral part of many people's lives. Students will be researching and trying to find out how new, innovative technologies will affect us all in the future.

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