Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Design and Modeling 1/19

Currently, in Design and Modeling the students have just started their Rube Goldberg projects! This year’s theme for the Rube Goldberg project is music. The outcome of the machine should have something to do with music, whether that is strumming a guitar, hitting “play” to start music, or any other creative idea the students can come up with!
Right now in class, the students are designing their Rube Goldberg ideas. This will continue for a few more classes, and after that, students will begin to build their machines! We do ask that if you have any recyclable materials (extra cardboard, toilet paper rolls, old toys, dominoes, etc.), that the students bring them in for supplies. This will help expand the variety of supplies their group can work with. Students should NOT be buying supplies for this project—it is all about creativity, and finding solutions to unique problems!

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