Monday, February 6, 2017

Fifth Grade Typing

The fifth grade students are right in the middle of their typing skills unit. By using, the students are practicing their typing and seeing improvement!

While typing is an extremely important skill, it can also be tedious. However, the students have been
very motivated to challenge themselves through the process! Many students are forcing themselves not to look at their hands on the keyboard, but rather the screen, to improve their speed. Many students are memorizing where the different keys are, so that they can improve their accuracy as well. While students are finding it difficult to use different fingers for different keys, many are rising to the challenge!

This is a very important, and transferable skill that can lead directly to skills needed in the workforce. Improving typing will help student's speed and efficiency while on the computer, and save them time while working on larger papers and projects in the future!

Be sure to check out our twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!

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