Monday, February 27, 2017

Commercials Almost Done

The students are just finishing up their commercials. These commercials are looking very good, and many of them have complex and challenging special effects. One group is attempting to use the white
brick walls in our hallways as a green screen, so their footage appears to be in front of a rocket. Another student has special effects added so it appears there is fire on the screen and stars moving by. Another group has spent a lot of time animating their product, so it appears more appealing in the commercial.

In addition to the technical side of the commercials, the students are also working hard on advertising. Advertising is all about trying to see the product from the target audience’s perspective. The students are trying to answer questions about how to target families, or children, or people who need to drive to work. By the end of this week, the commercials will be complete!

Be sure to stay tuned in with twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2017 Rube Goldberg Challenge

The 2017 Rube Goldberg challenge is coming to a close. Over the last few weeks, students have been using recycled materials (like toilet paper tubes, old mousetraps, etc.) to put together a chain reaction of simple machines, all for the purpose of rolling a single six-sided die. The amount of research, design, and time the students have put into all aspects of their machine has been incredible this year.

So far, a large number of students have not only been able to get their Rube Goldberg machines to work, but many have been able to get their machines to work on the very first try! This is a challenging thing to do when creating Rube Goldberg Machines, and the research, design, and testing the students have done prove why these results are consistent.

Be sure to stay tuned in with twitter (@MrHron) and our classroom website ( for more updates!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Fifth Grade Typing

The fifth grade students are right in the middle of their typing skills unit. By using, the students are practicing their typing and seeing improvement!

While typing is an extremely important skill, it can also be tedious. However, the students have been
very motivated to challenge themselves through the process! Many students are forcing themselves not to look at their hands on the keyboard, but rather the screen, to improve their speed. Many students are memorizing where the different keys are, so that they can improve their accuracy as well. While students are finding it difficult to use different fingers for different keys, many are rising to the challenge!

This is a very important, and transferable skill that can lead directly to skills needed in the workforce. Improving typing will help student's speed and efficiency while on the computer, and save them time while working on larger papers and projects in the future!

Be sure to check out our twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Apocalypse Machines

Students have chosen their groups for the upcoming Apocalypse Machines project.

In the Apocalypse Machines project, students are given a scenario. They have become leaders of a colony, attempting to survive a fantastical apocalypse (zombies, radiation, etc.). The students, using their understanding of gears and mechanisms, will need to build different survival machines for their colony that will either focus on medicine, survival, science, or defense. The challenge is for them to create enough machines to make it through the apocalypse!

This scenario helps the students bridge the gap between creating, and designing. Previously, the students have been using the pieces to create mechanisms from pictures. Now, students will be creating and following their own designs for these machines. It’s challenging – sure. But the students are up for the challenge!

Be sure to stay tuned in with twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!