Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Skills of the Internet

At the beginning of the year, the 6th grade students are working hard learning different computer skills. Some of the skills they learn are how to use email, Google Drive, and how to create strong passwords. Currently, the students are learning one of the most important skills of all: how to determine if a website is reliable.

The internet is one of the best learning tools we have ever had. However, with this great power of learning, comes some great responsibility. For every website that has excellent, sourced information, there is a website that shows heavy bias, propaganda, or outright falsehoods. The students are learning how to determine if a website is reliable, and some strategies to use when researching to make sure the facts they are reading are, in fact, trustworthy. It’s not always easy work, using the internet. For the 6th grade students, that journey starts now.

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