Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Great Mosquito Debate

As spring and summer approach in Minnesota, we are about to be greeted by sunshine and warmth. However, with the good, comes the bad. Usually, the bad are mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are back in the news, as viruses and disease spread through these parasites. When this happens, the same question always pops up: Why don't we just get rid of mosquitoes?

This time is no different, as news agencies talk about the pros, cons, and opportunities the human population has to eradicate mosquitoes.

The Guardian's Perspective
CNN's Perspective
Slate's Perspective

As scientists, our 7th grade science class has decided to take on this issue, and discuss whether they think mosquitoes should be eradicated, or if there is a larger purpose mosquitoes hold. Over the next few weeks, the 7th grade persuasive essays will be posted here, giving you more insight into this contemporary issue in science.

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