Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Open House

Welcome, Families, to Open House!

This is going to be a spectacular year in Project Lead the Way (PLTW). There are so many exciting things going on!

I am sure you have a lot of questions. This website is going to be the central hub for all PLTW news, information, pictures, video, and even homework in Mr. Hron's class! If you are ever unsure of what is going on in your child's class, or have a question about recent homework, this is the place to check! Of course, you may also contact me at my email, which is listed below.


I teach 3 different Project Lead the Way Classes. They each analyze a different area of technology, although they are all connected in the exploration of how technology affects society. The curriculum maps of each class are linked below.

Automation and Robotics

Design and Modeling

Flight and Space

Again, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Otherwise, feel free to explore the site, and get ready for an excellent school year!

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