Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Welcome to Mr. Hron's Classroom

Here is the message sent home this week to all students I teach. Thank you!

Welcome to Mr. Hron’s Classroom!

Hello! My name is James Hron, and I am your child’s teacher this year! The classes I teach give students the skills they need to keep up with an ever-changing, technology-driven society. It is my goal that I can partner with you to best support your child in our strong community of learners.

If you ever have any questions about how to impact your child’s education in a positive way, or are curious about the importance of education, class sizes, education strategies, or anything else, please ask! I want to help you feel empowered as a positive force in your child’s life.

What do you need to know?
·         Class updates and assignments can be found at:
·         Take a look at what is happening in the classroom with twitter: @mrhron
·         Please contact me about anything:
o   Classroom Phone #: 763-502-5444
o   Office Phone #: 763-502-5455

Interested in helping out? Here is how!
·         I would love to have parents or relatives to come in and discuss their journey towards any employment involving technology or design. If you are interested, please contact me!
·         I would love to show off new and current technologies, including drones, VR, and others. If you have access to these resources and are interested in partnering with my classroom, please contact me!
·         Interested in volunteering to help in class? Please contact me, and we can set up a time for you to come in and help!
·         Are you interested in donating to our classroom supplies? Please contact me, we are always looking for different resources depending on the time of the year!

Thank you! I am looking forward to another great school year together!


James Hron
Fridley Middle School

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back Tigers!

I am very excited to begin teaching this year. This year, I am teaching only 3 courses - Design and Modeling, Flight and Space, and 5th Grade Design. Even so, there is a lot of learning to get done in our class!

I have one request, one call to action. I will be looking for student authors for this blog. I will be announcing this in class, but if any students are interested being an author for this blog (and beginning to build their portfolio and resume), let me know! I am excited to give students more opportunities for learning and experience, relevant to their interests and future!

I can't wait to see everyone again! Welcome back!