Wednesday, December 6, 2017

7th Grade Game Designers

Students and Families,

Our 7th grade students have completed their game designs!

This is the first big project of the year for 7th grade students. The students were tasked with indpenedently researching, designing, and creating their own game on the computer! The students did this without following directions and without following a tutorial - true, independent design!

Below are the games the students created. Play, and enjoy!

Monday, December 4, 2017

2017 Art Competition

It's time for the 2017 competition. This year, the competition focuses around art!

Design class at FMS offers semester competition that draws on design, and other related skills. These competitions are (generally) school wide, and give students a chance to challenge themselves in areas that school classes might not offer. These competitions give students an opportunity to gain experience, and even potentially build a portfolio!

Here is our 2015 winner, Donovan L., who created our Fridley Space Program Logo!

This year's competition is for art. Students will create a piece of art (any size, any medium).

The piece of art must involve some sort of fantasy element (anime, magic, unicorns, vampires, etc.).

Due Date
The piece of art is Due to Mr. Hron by the end of the day on Friday, December 15th. School wide voting will then take place the following week, and the winner will be announced a day or two before winter break.

To All Students
You are more than welcome to join, and I wish you luck! Below was my best attempt (which will not be entered in the competition)!

Monday, November 13, 2017

6th Grade Flight and Space Updates

Two updates from the beginning of the year! The first is from September and early October. The second is from November. Enjoy!

In class we have been working on designing and researching.We went over the design  cycle.We researched about Apollo 13.We learned about space.We learned about 3D printing.We also learned about the Riverside Museum in Glasgow,Scotland. 

By Klarissa

Right now in class we are making kites. My kite is going to be electric green. It is a group project. We just finished making our first triangle and are currently making our dimond.  We have instructions at least.

By Sophia

Monday, November 6, 2017

5th Grade Design Updates

In class we are making a tree house on paint that is going to be graded. Also it is going to be great and I hope I get a good grade. I also hope it is good enough for Mr. Hron to give me a good grade in person on the tree house.

By Ethan

Today we are making treehouses and learning how to save our picture on the computer. And we are doing research about what and how the treehouse can be built and how to make it safe.

By Ryanne

Okay so we have been studying treehouse designs and I have a good start. We have been doing fun stuff. This is a good building experience. We do details and we don't accept one or or a few. :) This is a very good thing for you if you need help to design.

By Seada

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Student Update - Design and Modeling

So far in class we are mainly learning about design and modeling. I’ve learned the design cycle and how to know if a website is reliable. An important thing i’ve learned is why we do what we do. Example: why we need to know if a website is reliable, why we need to follow the design cycle, and why we need to be specific.   

By Johanna

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Welcome to Mr. Hron's Classroom

Here is the message sent home this week to all students I teach. Thank you!

Welcome to Mr. Hron’s Classroom!

Hello! My name is James Hron, and I am your child’s teacher this year! The classes I teach give students the skills they need to keep up with an ever-changing, technology-driven society. It is my goal that I can partner with you to best support your child in our strong community of learners.

If you ever have any questions about how to impact your child’s education in a positive way, or are curious about the importance of education, class sizes, education strategies, or anything else, please ask! I want to help you feel empowered as a positive force in your child’s life.

What do you need to know?
·         Class updates and assignments can be found at:
·         Take a look at what is happening in the classroom with twitter: @mrhron
·         Please contact me about anything:
o   Classroom Phone #: 763-502-5444
o   Office Phone #: 763-502-5455

Interested in helping out? Here is how!
·         I would love to have parents or relatives to come in and discuss their journey towards any employment involving technology or design. If you are interested, please contact me!
·         I would love to show off new and current technologies, including drones, VR, and others. If you have access to these resources and are interested in partnering with my classroom, please contact me!
·         Interested in volunteering to help in class? Please contact me, and we can set up a time for you to come in and help!
·         Are you interested in donating to our classroom supplies? Please contact me, we are always looking for different resources depending on the time of the year!

Thank you! I am looking forward to another great school year together!


James Hron
Fridley Middle School

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back Tigers!

I am very excited to begin teaching this year. This year, I am teaching only 3 courses - Design and Modeling, Flight and Space, and 5th Grade Design. Even so, there is a lot of learning to get done in our class!

I have one request, one call to action. I will be looking for student authors for this blog. I will be announcing this in class, but if any students are interested being an author for this blog (and beginning to build their portfolio and resume), let me know! I am excited to give students more opportunities for learning and experience, relevant to their interests and future!

I can't wait to see everyone again! Welcome back!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

2017 Robot Challenge

The 2017 Robot Challenge is well under way! This year, the students will need to create an elevator. The challenge associated with this, is the challenge will need to lift a textbook.

Students have been working all year with design, programming, and robotics. They will need to rely on their entire skill set for all parts of this project. They will need to research mechanisms that make efficient use of torque. They will need to figure out a design that both combines the mechanisms to create an elevator, and a design that will work with the strengths and weaknesses of our mechanism pieces.

Finally, the students will need to create and test their elevator to see if it will work. It is a monumental task, but as the students break it down piece by piece, they begin accomplish it day by day.

Pictures and other updates can be found at my classroom twitter @MrHron! If you have any questions about anything, you can reach me at my email (

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Back...With New Family!

I (Mr. Hron) am back!

I was gone for three weeks of school due to the birth of my first child! Both Mrs. Hron, and our daughter, Eleanor, are doing great. I wanted to share the reason for my absence over the last few weeks in case you were unaware of this special time in our family.

As I return to school, I will be re-organizing the classroom and my desk, and beginning the students on their final project of the year. This project can be viewed as a final exam of sorts, but instead of a sit-down pencil-and-paper test, the students will be showing off their design skills over the next few weeks as they work on, and complete, their final project.

Please be sure to continue checking this website and the school newsletter to learn details about the final project. Pictures and other updates can be found at my classroom twitter @MrHron! If you have any questions about anything, you can reach me at my email (

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Wind Tunnels and Airplanes

The students have just finished their commercial projects, and we have gone through viewing day. Viewing day is a day where all the student’s commercials get aired, and the students get to sit back, relax, and enjoy the outcome of their hard work.

Next, students will be learning about how flight in the atmosphere works. They will learn the reason we use wind tunnels, and actually get to see our classroom wind tunnel in practice! The knowledge over the next few weeks that students will gain about flight, wings, and air foils, will help them as we approach our final project: The Water Bottle Rockets.

Be sure to check out our twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Intro to Autodesk Inventor

The students have begun learning about our 3d modeling software, Autodesk Inventor! The students
are working their way from beginning fundamentals, to more and more complex skills. Over the next few weeks the students will be building basic shapes online, to more complex shapes. This learning will take place through online Youtube tutorials.

Once students have the basic skills down, the students will begin creating real life objects. These become more difficult because students are no longer following directions on how to build something – they must figure out how to create these objects themselves! These skills will help the students as they move towards our final project of the year in May!

Be sure to check out our twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Designing Cities of the Future

The students are about to begin their next design. This design is an interesting one, because students will begin by working individually, but when they began actually creating their design, they will be
A student's beginning design.
working in groups. This is the first project the students will be working in groups for, and it will be interesting to see where their collaboration skills are at.

The students will be creating a future city. The goal of this new design is to identify where current cities have problems (traffic, pollution, etc.), and how a well-planned city of the future could fix these issues. I am very interested to see what the students are able to come up with in their designs!

Be sure to check out our twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Beginning Programming

Since winter break, the students have been learning about building mechanisms and complex machines. Now, things get even more challenging.

The students are soon going to begin learning how to program. This starts with theory work (computers need to be told exactly what to do), and then moves to simple programs on the computer, such as turning a light on and off, or starting a motor.

However, once the students have mastered the basics of computer programming, and apply their knowledge of mechanisms and machines, the possibilities in class are endless.

Be sure to stay tuned in with twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Commercials Almost Done

The students are just finishing up their commercials. These commercials are looking very good, and many of them have complex and challenging special effects. One group is attempting to use the white
brick walls in our hallways as a green screen, so their footage appears to be in front of a rocket. Another student has special effects added so it appears there is fire on the screen and stars moving by. Another group has spent a lot of time animating their product, so it appears more appealing in the commercial.

In addition to the technical side of the commercials, the students are also working hard on advertising. Advertising is all about trying to see the product from the target audience’s perspective. The students are trying to answer questions about how to target families, or children, or people who need to drive to work. By the end of this week, the commercials will be complete!

Be sure to stay tuned in with twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2017 Rube Goldberg Challenge

The 2017 Rube Goldberg challenge is coming to a close. Over the last few weeks, students have been using recycled materials (like toilet paper tubes, old mousetraps, etc.) to put together a chain reaction of simple machines, all for the purpose of rolling a single six-sided die. The amount of research, design, and time the students have put into all aspects of their machine has been incredible this year.

So far, a large number of students have not only been able to get their Rube Goldberg machines to work, but many have been able to get their machines to work on the very first try! This is a challenging thing to do when creating Rube Goldberg Machines, and the research, design, and testing the students have done prove why these results are consistent.

Be sure to stay tuned in with twitter (@MrHron) and our classroom website ( for more updates!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Fifth Grade Typing

The fifth grade students are right in the middle of their typing skills unit. By using, the students are practicing their typing and seeing improvement!

While typing is an extremely important skill, it can also be tedious. However, the students have been
very motivated to challenge themselves through the process! Many students are forcing themselves not to look at their hands on the keyboard, but rather the screen, to improve their speed. Many students are memorizing where the different keys are, so that they can improve their accuracy as well. While students are finding it difficult to use different fingers for different keys, many are rising to the challenge!

This is a very important, and transferable skill that can lead directly to skills needed in the workforce. Improving typing will help student's speed and efficiency while on the computer, and save them time while working on larger papers and projects in the future!

Be sure to check out our twitter (@MrHron) for more updates!