Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Should We Eradicate Mosquitoes: A Student Essay

I believe that we should eradicate mosquitoes because they carry many deadly diseases. Also, they are the deadliest animal on Earth killing more than 750,000 people due to mosquito-borne illnesses. Malaria is one of the most common diseases from mosquitoes, infecting nearly 247 million people every year and killing over 1 million. Other diseases include dengue fever, yellow fever, the Zika virus, and many more. Locally, these diseases are not very common in places with all four seasons. Every winter, the mosquitoes there die or hibernate and every summer they get new ones. These diseases are mostly common in poorer nations, but still affects people worldwide.

These insects are not a major predator, or major prey for that matter, so getting rid of them wouldn't make a big difference in the ecosystem locally. It would actually rid us of the diseases that affect so many people. However, in some other places they serve food for bats, birds, frogs, dragonflies, damselflies, turtles, fish, and spiders. Some researchers say that if we got rid of these bloodsuckers, there wouldn’t be much of a difference in our world today. In fact, bats meals are only 1% mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are not a major prey in any region. They are just used for food for a quick snack.

Therefore, eradicating mosquitoes would not make a big difference worldwide or even locally. They don’t serve as a primary food source in the ecosystem, and getting rid of them would actually help our health worldwide. We would stop being bitten by mosquitoes. That is why I think we should get rid of mosquitoes.

Should We Get Rid of Mosquitoes: A Student Essay

In my opinion, we should not get rid of the mosquitoes. They are an important environmental factor in their ecosystem. Without them, the animals who depend on them for food will decrease in numbers. Many animals eat mosquitoes, such as bats, birds, fish, frogs and tadpoles, spiders, turtles, dragonflies, and damselflies. Many of those species survive mainly on the mosquitoes. They will suffer if the mosquito is eradicated. Although some say that these animals have other prey, they will still decrease if the mosquito dies out. If those animals decrease in population, the animals that feed on them will die too! It will be a never ending chain.

 However, many mosquitoes do carry disease. If they were made extinct, the chance of getting the diseases spread by them would decrease. But, those diseases can be spread in other ways! Killing off the mosquitoes would not completely get rid of the risk of certain diseases. The diseases that are spread by mosquitoes are transmitted by blood. For example: if a human with malaria had an open sore or wound and came in contact with another human being, that human would get the blood of the person with malaria into their system. That could cause them to get malaria as well. 

These are the reasons I think that mosquitoes should not be eradicated. Other animals rely on them too heavily. They are an important part of the environment, even if they are annoying!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Great Mosquito Debate

As spring and summer approach in Minnesota, we are about to be greeted by sunshine and warmth. However, with the good, comes the bad. Usually, the bad are mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are back in the news, as viruses and disease spread through these parasites. When this happens, the same question always pops up: Why don't we just get rid of mosquitoes?

This time is no different, as news agencies talk about the pros, cons, and opportunities the human population has to eradicate mosquitoes.

The Guardian's Perspective
CNN's Perspective
Slate's Perspective

As scientists, our 7th grade science class has decided to take on this issue, and discuss whether they think mosquitoes should be eradicated, or if there is a larger purpose mosquitoes hold. Over the next few weeks, the 7th grade persuasive essays will be posted here, giving you more insight into this contemporary issue in science.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Automation and Robotics 3/1

Currently in Automation and Robotics, the students are just beginning to learn about programming!
To start this learning process, the students are taught about sequential thinking, using flowcharts as a tool. Soon after, the students are introduced to a programming language they will be using called RoboPro. This language is useful, in that it will help the students learn how to use programming to create robots! However, that part is still far off in the future. Our focus at this point, is getting a solid understanding of what programming is, and how to talk to a computer.