Wednesday, December 6, 2017

7th Grade Game Designers

Students and Families,

Our 7th grade students have completed their game designs!

This is the first big project of the year for 7th grade students. The students were tasked with indpenedently researching, designing, and creating their own game on the computer! The students did this without following directions and without following a tutorial - true, independent design!

Below are the games the students created. Play, and enjoy!

Monday, December 4, 2017

2017 Art Competition

It's time for the 2017 competition. This year, the competition focuses around art!

Design class at FMS offers semester competition that draws on design, and other related skills. These competitions are (generally) school wide, and give students a chance to challenge themselves in areas that school classes might not offer. These competitions give students an opportunity to gain experience, and even potentially build a portfolio!

Here is our 2015 winner, Donovan L., who created our Fridley Space Program Logo!

This year's competition is for art. Students will create a piece of art (any size, any medium).

The piece of art must involve some sort of fantasy element (anime, magic, unicorns, vampires, etc.).

Due Date
The piece of art is Due to Mr. Hron by the end of the day on Friday, December 15th. School wide voting will then take place the following week, and the winner will be announced a day or two before winter break.

To All Students
You are more than welcome to join, and I wish you luck! Below was my best attempt (which will not be entered in the competition)!